Thursday, December 31, 2009

Mac Harg Residence

This is a perfect example of what you can do to get the most out of your back yard.
What we did here was re-work the irrigation system to accomodate a smaller lawn and the new veggie bins. We down sized the lawn which will help cut back on water and maintenance. Veggie bins were added to organicaly grow veggies. Bendo-board to define planters and bark to keep weeds at a minimum and to hold moisture in for new plants.

mow, mow, mow your lawn gently till it's green

Merily, merily, merily...
When mowing your lawn one of the most important things is to have sharp blades on your mower. Dull blades will make the lawn look brown. Fertilize your lawn at least three times a year and keep tabs on the timer.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

los detalles...

"Los detalles son los mas importantes" that's what my previous employer taught me. "The most important thing is the detail work". It's amazing what a 6"x6" post with a cap will do to enhance the curb appeal.


It's amazing what a little pressure washing and stain will do.
Here's a picture of a deck I did in Sycamore Village. The center is with the pressure washing only, the sides are with the redwood stain.

Monday, December 28, 2009

anna joy takes bomb pics

I just wanted to say special thanks to a very special person.
Thank you Anna Joy for the beautiful memories that you have captured.
gerardo, angie, mikki, mali & ella

Bocce Who? Bocce What?

This game goes way back to the Roman Empire. It's a fun game for the entire family.
Here's an example of how you can turn unused space into something new and exiting.

Yuccy, Yucca

Yucca trees are pretty nasty, they start small and cute looking but before you know it they turn into this. Here's Gerardo Sr. taking one out.
When taking out a Yucca always make sure you get the whole thing or else as the governor puts it... I'll be back!

1st Family Veggie Garden

We had just moved back to Ventura, our little Mikki was just a few months old and here's my beautiful wife working away, tilling that ground. That season we harvested: lettuce, squash, watermelon, canteloupe & cucumbers.

Thank You JAPAN

Develed in Japan in the 1930's. It is a cross between two American apple varieties, the Red Delicious and old Virginia Ralls Genet (sometimes cited as "Rawls Jennet") apples. Fuji apples have a very long shelf life compared to other apples, even without refrigeration. With refrigeration, Fuji apples can remain fresh for up to 5-6 months. Picked by Mikki just minutes ago.

Hey! Save me a piece of that corn!

I couldn't help it. I love corn, I love Nacho Libre... what can I say.

little help, big results

He might be small but he's a real hard worker. Check out the depth of that hole.
Go Mali, Go! When installing 4x4 posts for a fence or gate make sure your depth is at least two feet.